Frequently Asked Questions

Why should a professional participate in the survey?

The Vahura In-House Compensation Survey aims to objectively and transparently analyze compensation trends that are often opaque and non-transparent.

We believe that honest and transparent insights from professionals will ultimately go a long way towards assisting enterprises structure compensation rewards in a manner that is fair, equitable and competitive.

How is a participant's confidentiality protected?

The survey questionnaire is designed to ensure that professionals are not matched to their survey responses in any manner.

Professionals are asked to participate anonymously and no self-identifiable information is analyzed to ensure strict confidentiality. This ensures that no person, including any member of Vahura, can match a survey response to any particular individual. We realize that this problem is all the more acute for professionals working in relatively smaller in-house teams, and therefore any other questions that may indicate the professional's identity (such as the name of their law school) are optional and not mandatory to answer.

How do we prevent irrelevant or multiple responses to the survey?

The survey questionnaire is designed to accept only one response per user.

While fake responses are always a reality in surveys such as this, where we don’t have a direct line of sight on the respondents, we have taken steps to limit the number of fake respondents. To this end, we’ve ensured that no respondent can attempt the survey twice from the same link. Therefore, even if someone from a non-relevant team were to participate in the survey, our presumption here is that their responses would not statistically skew the overall result. 

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