We help ambitious law firms level up

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To succeed in the unforgiving law firm business, it’s no longer enough to master the black letter of the law.

Vahura Consulting offers multi-hued insights to help you manage, brand and operate in ways that will transform your growth trajectory.

Navigating an uncertain era

If you’re running a law firm, you probably feel like it’s the best of times and the worst of times. The opportunities have never looked more ripe or the challenges more daunting. You’re ambitious but you often feel overwhelmed amidst the pressure and clamour.

  • Demanding Clients

    Spoilt for choice, clients are seeking more bang for buck in a crowded environment where stickiness can’t be taken for granted.

  • Talent Attrition

    As work culture, lifestyle and perks have become more determinative in career choices, talent has become more selective.

  • VUCA World

    Rapid leaps in tech, haphazard regulatory environments and unpredictable economic winds have increased volatility all around.

  • Wrong Tools

    Saddled with obsolete tools and peddled with vanity ones, firms are grappling with a number of process inefficiencies.

  • Brand Dilution

    With the market maturing and the wider environment in flux, it’s becoming harder for a firm to maintain its brand and values.

We help you smooth out the friction

Now, minimising risk needn’t come at the cost of growth, scale and innovation.

Vahura’s Consulting practice can help unlock efficiencies to match your risk appetite and your vision for the firm’s future.

We do this by identifying opportunities, ironing out processes, and telling your story to the world. All this with the goal of helping you do more and stress less without compromising on quality or integrity.

These are the five foundational blocks across which we can assist you:

Untitled design

Law firm partners are like race car drivers in an endless race. The race isn’t just about speed; it’s about who can adapt fastest to the ever-changing rules of the game.

Yatin Shah

Managing Consultant, Consulting | Head of Marketing

A bankable partner for firm partners

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  • Human-Centric View

    As pioneers in India’s legal recruitment space since 2011, we place the practitioner at the centre of all kinds of problem-solving.

  • Experienced Team

    Our team has people from India’s top law and management schools, with expertise ranging from branding to client relations.

  • Bespoke Solutions

    Big believers in listening before suggesting, we take a consultative approach to developing tailored solutions based on first principles.

  • Wide Network

    Over the years, we’ve built strong connections with technology companies, globally-minded business advisors and industry organisations

Trusted by industry-leading firms

We’ve advised marquee and boutique law firms on issues ranging from succession planning to compensation restructuring.

Collaborating with the best

Our network of partners consists of organisations with expertise across technology, strategy, design and branding, and helps us deliver high-impact solutions across jurisdictions.

  1. Lexington Consultants
  2. Leverage
  3. Leah Cooper Consulting
  4. LEx360
  5. Cracker & Rush
  6. 3K Technologies
2 buildings

Case Studies

  • We supported a firm with 500-plus lawyers to establish a management team to focus on strategic planning, financial oversight, marketing, legal tech integration and client development.

  • We helped a breakaway firm with less than 50 lawyers hit the ground running with an integrated tech system that covers client, matter and financial management.

  • By gathering information on remuneration trends and payout structures and converting them into insights, we advised a Tier 1 firm on realigning their compensation and talent retention strategy.

  • We facilitated a workshop on strategy and management, led by a former Magic Circle partner and an experienced consultant with a law-MBA background.

  • DSCF9390

    Balanand Menon

    Bala is a solution architect, data analyst, and an MBA, who loves painting a picture using data. He leads a consulting practice that is at the cutting edge of legal market data, legal operating models, legal technology and innovation. Bala co-conceptualised and led the Vahura Best Law Firms to Work studies (2018 and 2022), and is a sought-after advisor on change management and innovation.

  • Yatin

    Yatin Shah

    Yatin heads the Marketing and Brand Communications vertical at Vahura. He is responsible for developing and driving a long-term cohesive marketing & brand strategy. Some of his key accountabilities include planning and creating value content,…

  • Soumjeet

    Soumajit Mukherjee

    Soumajit, a key member of our Consulting team, collaborates with leadership teams in law firms and investment funds, specializing in strategic and operational efficiency engagements. His expertise spans the transformation of legal service delivery,…

  • Ankita

    Ankita Malik

    Ankita is a consultant at Vahura, specializing in strategic advisory and market intelligence. She assists clients with legal market insights, partnership structuring, and compensation and benefits planning.Before joining Vahura, Ankita worked at an…

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How can we help?

Whether it's legal market intelligence reports that drive strategic decisions or large-scale projects to transform talent and operations strategy; partners have consistently relied on Vahura as a strategic sounding board when it comes to making the decisions that matter. Connect with us to learn more about how our insights and expertise could help inform your firm's perspective, as you make the decisions that shape its future.

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