India Law Firm Compensation Trends - FY 2022-23

Learn more about compensation trends for law firm professionals in India during FY 2022-23

About the Report

We are pleased to share the Vahura Law Firm Compensation Report, where we focus on examining the latest trends in compensation received by law firm professionals across large and mid-sized law firms in India.

The data for this report has been compiled by:

  • Primarily relying on our proprietory database, through which we constantly track verified legal compensation trends.
  • Tapping into Vahura's extensive legal professional network to conduct targeted, confidential interviews with professionals, wherever necessary.

Please refer to the table below or should you prefer, you may also download the report by scrolling to the bottom of the page.

Median Annual Compensation

Vahura Logo
PQE (in years) Large Firms Mid-Sized Firms
0 to 1 15.5 14.0
1 to 2 18.1 15.8
2 to 3 22.6 19.6
3 to 4 29.5 24.2
4 to 5 35.9 32.4
5 to 6 42.5 37.3
6 to 7 47.9 42.3
7 to 8 57.1 46.0
8 to 9 66.0 52.1
9 to 10 81.4 65.0
10 to 11 101.8 78.5
11 to 12 105.5 88.0
Figures in INR lacs per annum.

It would be pertinent to note that the compensation figures included in the report refer to total compensation received by professionals.

Within law firms, total compensation refers to the total fixed retainer and an annual variable bonus. The total compensation figure does not include any additional financial incentives or emoluments related to bill-shares or any additional discretionary bonuses that may be occasionally paid to professionals.

For a detailed compensation report tailored for your organization or a downloadable version of the report, please get in touch with us at [email protected]

  • DSCF9390

    Balanand Menon

    Bala is a solution architect, data analyst, and an MBA, who loves painting a picture using data. He leads a consulting practice that is at the cutting edge of legal market data, legal operating models, legal technology and innovation. Bala co-conceptualised and led the Vahura Best Law Firms to Work studies (2018 and 2022), and is a sought-after advisor on change management and innovation.

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