
The Vahura Best Law Firms to Work Rankings is the definitive guide to the best law firms to work for in India.
With a host of submission and client based rankings in place, the inaugural Vahura Best Law Firms to Work Survey - 2018 (the “BLF”) is unique in that it exclusively relies on what lawyers think about the firms they practice in.
The BLF is a ranking by lawyers, about lawyers, for lawyers. The results and the rankings in this report, are the product of survey responses provided by over 1200 lawyers which comprises over 10% of law firm lawyers in India.
This survey covers certain key drivers of law firm culture, such as rewards and recognition, work-life balance, satisfaction and firm leadership. However, there are some aspects of the law firm life that we have not fully covered in this survey - such as diversity parameters that go beyond gender. which we hope to take up in subsequent editions of this survey. With the BLF, ourhope that this is the beginning of a movement, where law firm leaders give prime importance to how they treat and nurture lawyers, as people and not just fee-earners and consider culture as an integral part of determining the success of their firms.
To view India's best law firms to work for, please download the report.